I am an organizational behavior researcher, and currently an Assistant Professor at the Morgan State University Graves School of Business and Management. The main objective of my research and teaching is to promote growth in organizations through adaptive interpersonal communication. Through my research, I aim to elucidate novel associations and interventions within the workplace mistreatment, honesty and resilience literatures, with a particular interest in when and how specific forms of communication (verbal and/or nonverbal) can be harmful or helpful in navigating difficult conversations. Through my teaching, I seek to inspire students to become leaders amongst their peers, who skillfully use their voice to create a positive impact on their colleagues, direct reports and organizational teams. As a result, through both my research and teaching, I hope to influence rising generations to be better and more supportive leaders.
My work has been published in Management journals such as Journal of Applied Psychology and the Academy of Management Annals.
Prior to starting my Ph.D., I worked as an organizational analyst for two years in Israel serving clients in the high-tech, healthcare, auto and financial industries.
Ph.D. in Management, 2020
University of Florida
M.A. in Social-Organizational Psychology, 2014
Bar-Ilan University, Israel
B.A. in Psychology, 2011
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel